definitely be very careful about what they eat and the people who have the disease, according to a Special diet and doctor"s recommendations. But these diets is usually very mild, just stay away from foods like pain recommends.
Also you could just be patient hemorrhoid not area damage should work. To remove items very heavy, continuous increases even more and especially the issue of grunert and strong to be constipated hemorrhoids usually blood vessels rupture and can cause bleeding.
If in the first period hemorrhoid disease is local and can be treated with drugs, such as pills or cream that can be controlled. Hemorrhoid is very advanced but these drugs usually are not adequate and overflowed to the outside, and a surgical operation becomes necessary. But the problem is already out there, because it is a fairly easy diagnosis and detection of disease. After a short examination, the doctor will make the decision process begins and the necessary treatment.
what are hemorrhoids and how to treat them
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In the region of your hemorrhoids hemorrhoids Bath pain,throbbing that bothers people like complaints if you have done to provide relief.The rectal area in warm water in the tub or a basin between 24 to 37 degrees for 15-20 minutes and it should be put in to stay you should go.This is done after putting some ice in a bag behind the application,will provide the maximum benefit to the area and put to wait for about 5-6 minutes.Pain,itching an ideal method in terms of relieving complaints such as.This process also is felt even more relief after using the toilet is made of would be.If you want to watch the video click on the annotated topic na ... hemorrhoid bath a couple of times during the day to keep waiting or apply a cold compress to the rectal area in warm water,a heated towel or sit on the pain in the area of the hemorrhoids can relax.
The use of remedies hemorrhoids:hemorrhoids treatment at home to do this several hemorrhoid remedies are available.One of them,your glyvenol sold as drugs or suppositories.The formation of hemorrhoids pea-sized shows itself around the anus, and coming out Dec Dec the provides one huge benefit in the form of a suppository.Again, for this inconvenience of drugs that are used Daflon,swelling,bleeding,pain complaints such as can be used to reduce.For detailed information about drugs and the benefits of this and hemorrhoids, hemorrhoid meds click on the another summer.
As is known to pay attention to your diet,constipation, hemorrhoids hemorrhoids especially if it took so long for the formation of triggers.Therefore, you need to consume the foods that prevent being constipated.For this, fiber-rich foods should be preferred.Corn,beans,chickpeas,kidney beans,lentils,oats,dry beans, avocado,green beans,artichokes,pears,raspberries,broccoli,vegetables and fruits, such as apples,whole-wheat bread,wheat,include foods such as apricots.
Other suggestions:you should avoid prolonged sitting,sitting on a support such as a pillow should be placed under.When the toilet needs should be made without delay, and should not be passed on for a long time on the toilet.Push at the same time is to be avoided.A regular habit of pooping once a day big defecation should be obtained.Received daily the amount of liquid water,in particular,should be increased.Drink 2-3 liters a day.Blood circulation doing exercises and sports should be kept alive, if you have more weight and should get rid.
Power is one of the plants from pomegranates also good for hemorrhoids.The inside of the pomegranates red and orange or yellow color in the kernels pounded after the removal of the received power is placed in a jar.Mixed with honey and olive oil for a while suspended.the consistency of this putty in the morning and evening on an empty stomach by taking one tablespoon of the mixture can be used.By applying this putty to the area of discomfort can be used.
Dove tree Plant:recommended for the treatment of pain and hemorrhoids used since ancient times, and soothing herb.In the form of cream applied to the rectal area.Pain,itching,bleeding,symptoms such as bloating for good.Can be found by asking him to transfer.
As we mentioned in hemorrhoid treatment House are made in a variety of ways.Herbal treatments in addition to we"re going to cover in detail in another article.
The previous summer article titled hemorrhoid surgery hemorrhoid surgery, hemorrhoid surgery, hemorrhoid surgery, and laser provides information about.,
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