1 Ocak 2017 Pazar

what the secret to beautiful skin

what the secret to beautiful skin , What are the secrets to having beautiful skin,

No doubt the biggest secret of beauty is the skin care for women.We know about the nutrition of skin care.Would you envy people with correct and proper nutrition you can have skin.

what the secret to beautiful skin

Use Tonic in the morning

If you have oily skin, sebum starts to occur while you are striving to stop producing black spots on your skin that you may notice. In this case, you may want to consider whether your skin is clear enough. However, constantly wash your skin and disrupts the pH balance it may lead to more. Cleaning your skin at night only when necessary. At night you cleaned up, your skin clean by using Tonic water in the morning. The pH balance your skin is oily or dry, because it is not important whether Tonic will provide.

Reduce your consumption of sugar, watch your weight

Cut your sugar consumption is important for your health and your skin. Sugar accelerates aging of the skin. Sugar hovers in the blood of substances which are of serious importance to the skin and destroys collagen and elastin. This also accelerates aging. Weight fluctuations are harmful for your skin at the same time. Give and take in sustained weight causes the skin to crack.

Don"t neglect skin care

Lot only skin care is important. No doubt for the only time in the month the purpose of this skin care should be done, should be provided to the skin by removing dead skin breathe again.

Pay attention to the sun

the effect of the sun"s rays on the skin is high.Over time, even in the household office or around what we are exposed to the sun"s rays. If you are exposed to intense sunlight you can use sunscreen creams. If you have a vitamin D deficiency take vitamin supplements if you can you can work to be exposed to sunlight or less.

Remember to drink water

Your skin is the largest source to the water that you drink enough water is very important. Considering that half of our body is water, there is a need to explain the importance of water. Water is the best moisturizer for your skin. Are not a substitute for the water you use a moisturizer. So you should not neglect to drink water.

Regular exercise

Accelerate the blood circulation, accelerates skin renewal and beautification. For this, regular exercise is important. By applying different types of Exercise both your body and skin the field of

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