15 Ocak 2017 Pazar

Gallstones symptoms and treatment

Gallstones symptoms and treatment Usually the stones in gallbladder in women in the community over the age of 40,liver disease,gallbladder cancer, and can cause many diseases such as jaundice.

Gallstones symptoms and treatment, symptoms of gallstones, gall stones, gall bladder stones treatment of

The symptoms of gallstones often are referred to the hospital by supposing a heart attack. Stones in the gallbladder removed with laparoscopic surgery and can be treated. After this operation you can return to your normal life within 1 day.

It can present with severe pain and gallstones

Gallstones no pain,silently, without pain or symptoms can occur. As time passed, the entire abdomen,back,and manifests itself with severe pain in the shoulder spreading to.So they are experiencing a heart attack people.In such a case, gallstones when symptoms occur, the condition is detected early and be treated immediately because it is extremely important that untreated can lead to infections and other diseases.

CAUTION If you are on a low calorie diet

The wrong diet is the main reason of stone formation in the gall bladder.Other reasons include:
• Excessive weight
• Take to lose weight low calorie diets and sustained weight
A multiple birth
• Sports,exercise or sedentary living

Gallstones symptoms and treatment

[caption id="attachment_1280" align="aligncenter" width="520"]Gallstones symptoms and treatment Gallstones symptoms and treatment[/caption]

Gallbladder stones in it can cause cancer in the long term

Stones in the gallbladder if not treated in time, can cause cancer of the gall bladder at a later stage.Types of gallbladder cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancer.So, in such a case, gallstones should be treated when detected.

Surgery and laparoscopic gallstones can be easily obtained

Greasy and the symptoms of gallstones usually seen after heavy meals, severe pain, bloating, indigestion and stomach pain seen in the form of. The size and number of ultrasound examination for the detection of stones in the gallbladder is performed. The patients who need operation closed operation called laparoscopic surgery is usually preferred after inspection. With the operation of the gall bladder to be taken, does not show any changes in the patient"s life.

After laparoscopic surgery the patient can return to his normal life quickly

Laparoscopy a small operation performed on fractions provides comfort to the patient. Cholecystectomy performed in less than 30 minutes in the patients who had surgery in the morning life can return to work the next day.

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