15 Ocak 2017 Pazar

Depression Symptoms & Warning Signs

What are the symptoms of depression?, Depression Symptoms & Warning Signs, Signs and symptoms of depression

When the signs of depression is not taken seriously can lead to very serious mental disorders.

Depression is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world today. Most of the time trying to comfort ourselves with the simple suggestion is actually by although we understand our mood, and for the bully will be postponed. But what if we"re depressed and able to notice it? That"s the real danger when he starts.

Depression Symptoms & Warning Signs

[caption id="attachment_1333" align="aligncenter" width="722"]Depression Symptoms & Warning Signs Depression Symptoms & Warning Signs[/caption]
Easy to get caught in depression is a condition that the doctor wants to get rid of your patience and support. Almost everyone may get depressed. The harbinger of depression in which the symptoms so you need to know it well.

What are the symptoms of depression?

Don"t despair and guilt

Your confidence,respect is lost, and thoughts for the future with a sense of guilt karasar will occur. Sometimes some people themselves,their environment,hate what you did in the past.

Fatigue and weakness

Research shows that people with depression, 73% of fatigue has been observed in the flour. These people didn"t even do a job if they are sleeping enough or strenuous themselves if they claimed that they were sluggish and tired.


Depression of individuals caught in 97% of si are faced with the problem of insomnia. Insomniac also the probability of normal people getting depressed is very high.

Being angry and irritable

In the initial stages of depression, anger and frustration shows. The person suddenly, get angry, get frustrated with unnecessary topics. They throw into some of their anger out shoot some people with depression.

Don"t worry

Hearing the concern of depression in diabetic persons, the State may reach the level of paranoia. On the inside, makes you irritable. So, in some cases, rapid heart rate,palpitations,excessive sweating may have symptoms such as.

Strain and focus in the short-term memory loss experienced

If you focus on anything more than a few seconds, your chances of becoming depressed are high. Caught up in the people some of the time depression memory loss.

HAL and reckless attitudes

Living without limits at three points in life, you may have symptoms of depression. If you have never done before things you should pay attention to start doing it at a time it desperately.

I take no pleasure in fun activities

Depression people themselves who are caught up in any social event,fun,friends leave, they are deprived from.Even their favorite programs,music, etc doesn"t give even the enjoyment of activities.

Constantly gain weight

Some people with depression by experiencing a loss of appetite, they lose weight, although a reverse situation, some people constantly feeling the need of eating, weight gain.

Thinking of committing suicide

Stimulates thoughts of death or suicide in individuals with depression. Death is always a person that is considering suicide mentions, researches, plans, and may try to hurt himself.

Also the effect of depression on the use of social media. Social media may be the cause of your depression named earlier in this topic, we have prepared our article you can read.,

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