Tears, the lacrimal gland is manufactured in main and auxiliary. The tears that are produced and situated in the inner part of our eyelids upper and lower punctum through small holes called tear ducts tears flows in our Channel, and thanks to reaches up to the interior of our noses.
In the eyes watery eyes causes of lacrimal duct obstruction
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If lacrimal duct obstruction is detected, what happens?
If only a blocked tear duct as a result of investigations of tears that will flow to the nose with a surgical operation diagnosis, a new channel is created. Have blocked tear ducts and the tears flow constantly causes people to miss the ride and comfort with a handkerchief. If the tear duct remains blocked for a long time, the infection can occur which can be serious eye ailments to breed. Swelling of the eyelids,redness and eye pain, one of the symptoms of eye infections.
If left untreated loss of vision can create
Lacrimal duct obstruction watery eyes that causes infections in the eyes of long-term untreated can create the risk of vision loss.Surgical treatment of blockage of the channel, so you need to make as early as possible. Laser Treatment or open surgery can be applied. The highest success rate is provided in the operations that are performed with the open technique. In this technique, a small scar may remain at the root of the nose sparse row format. This permission to use the stitches you need to certainly be a minimum of aesthetic. In laser treatment, no surgery is even lower success rates when compared to open trails alone.
In the eyes watery eyes causes of lacrimal duct obstruction
Lacrimal duct obstruction after surgery what should be done?
On average the operation takes 45 minutes under local or general anesthesia lacrimal duct obstruction. after surgery, the eye was closed during dressing and the next day opens. In some cases, the tear duct re-closure in patients at risk, in order to prevent this tear ducts to a silicone stent is placed. Roughly 1 month later Stent from the operation is taken. After surgery, patients leaking from nose bleeding in pain and in rare cases there may be format. However, these pass the next day. They use nasal sprays and eye drops patients up and down for 3 weeks.
If it is applied to open the surgical operation, 1 week after the operation the stitches will be removed. Lacrimal duct obstruction is above 80% for the success rate in open operations. However, for patients with nose problems after surgery care has been good, and if the surgical method is not sufficient if the channel re-blockages can be seen.
A surgical operation for lacrimal duct obstruction 2. only the first applicable according to the operation times, the chances of success is even lower.
Patients who have undergone more than one surgery, lacrimal duct obstruction, the tear duct or at the start of the congestion in patients with a glass tube is placed where you may need a different operation.,
In the eyes watery eyes causes of lacrimal duct obstruction
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