Most people in our country immediately after a meal indigestion, heartburn and a burning sensation in the esophagus is observed. Usually, down the esophagus, and even stomach acid and food from the mouth is manifested by. This uncomfortable condition is called reflux.
What Is Reflux? What Should I Do?
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What Are The Symptoms Of Reflux?
The most common symptom is a burning feeling in the chest. Many people are burning in the stomach, neck, shoulders, and even in the arm or even in the back can feel it. Sometimes they"re indistinguishable from the pain in my heart. Most of the time they resort to the doctor for this reason.
The sour water in the mouth are other common symptoms of pain as well as. Leaves a bad taste in the throat and mouth, usually after dinner, during a meal rarely occurs. Lying down and sleeping while the findings often occur. Abdominal bloating, hiccups, burping, tickle, bad breath, chronic cough, hoarseness, and other symptoms of an asthma attack nodules on his vocal chords.
Persistent cough (stinker)
Feeling of fullness in the throat
The need of clearing the throat (often)
Incurable throat infections such as pharyngitis
Healing asthma
Recurrent pneumonia
Reflux disease should be suspected as an underlying short term stay asleep pale.
Needs constant throat clearing, voice hoarseness, pharyngitis is often the real cause of issue for most people with reflux. Again, half coughing constantly and appeared to be suffering from acid reflux disease during ones not exceeding.
Reflux disease in children, simple form of vomiting, however, especially in infant period “may be responsible for sudden infant death syndrome. A third of childhood asthma lies under reflux.
What Are Diseases Caused By Reflux?
To growth retardation in children
Lung, stomach fluids the escape of which is connected to pneumonia,
Laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, respiratory diseases such as asthma,
Inflammation of the esophagus,
A portion of the stomach,contraction of
Digestive tract bleeding
Predispose to cancer of the esophagus Barrett"s disease
Can lead to cancer.
Acid Reflux Treatment
There are two methods of drug therapy and surgical treatment. In the treatment of reflux acid prevents the formation of organic cause or to the patient on the bottom and acid neutralising existing drugs drugs are given. Surgical treatment sphincter between the esophagus with the stomach is surgically strengthened Nov
Ways To Prevent Reflux
* Lying down, the upper part of the body and the head should be high, and you should sleep on a high pillow.
* The maximum amount in order to prevent the increase of pressure in the stomach eating should be avoided.
* A small amount, Frequent and regular meals should be eaten.
* Eat food slowly, chew well you should.
* Fried foods, fast foods, foods, and margarine should be avoided.
* Chocolate should be avoided.
* Coffee should be avoided, and tea consumption should be reduced.
* Coke, soda pop, and acidic drinks like alcohol, canned fruit juices, you should not drink.
* Very spicy foods, pickles and vinegar should be avoided
* You should not sleep immediately after dinner if possible, wait at least 1 hour or you should move on.
* Should keep away from cigarettes and other tobacco products.
* Care should be taken not to lose weight.
* Stress should be avoided as much as possible.
* Increase fluid consumption to increase the pressure in the stomach, the food not liquids should be consumed between meals.,
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