22 Aralık 2016 Perşembe

What is the TLC diet?

What is the TLC diet?

TLC (therapeutic lifestyle changes) DIET

Affiliated with the U.S. National Institutes of health to reduce bad cholesterol the TLC diet developed by the National cholesterol education program, scored a high score of 4.0 out 5.0...

Type: Low-Fat

Similar Diets: Ornish Diet, dash diet

Objective: lower high cholesterol

Claim: in 6 weeks bad cholesterol (LDL) of 8-10%, you can reduce

Theory: key phrase cut the grease, especially saturated fat. Saturated fats (fatty meats, full fat dairy and fried foods), raises the bad cholesterol which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. By limiting our daily cholesterol high cholesterol and more fiber without taking you can manage.

Diet How Does It Work?

If you start by setting your calorie goal. Your goal is only 2500 per day, while lowering bad cholesterol men women and 1800 calories you can take. Do you want to lose weight at the same time? In those who lose weight 1600 men, women consume 1200 calories. Then your saturated fat intake to less than 7 percent of your daily calories is set. Do not consume fatty foods like butter, salami and so on. Do not take more than 200 milligrams of cholesterol per day, consume up to 60 grams of cheese per day. Apart from this, fruits, vegetables, whole tahilli, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, fish and poultry you can eat scalp taken.

Can you lose weight?

Not to lose weight on the TLC diet is not designed for cholesterol, although some studies suggest that low-fat diets tend to lead to weight loss.

It is beneficial for heart health?

Yes. Fruits, vegetables, whole tahilli of consumed rarely consumed saturated fats and salt diet and blood pressure while controlling kolesterol] is to keep away from heart diseases.

Keeps it under control or prevent diabetes?

The TLC diet to reduce fasting insulin values, although this is not much study about the effect on diabetes has been identified.

There are health risks?

Has been found to have any health risks or side effects. Can be applied to children and young people.


You are related to, but of your calories per day more than 7% from saturated fats and cholesterol from foods per day of note that it is important to note that does not exceed 200 mg.

Sample Menu:

A list of 1,800 calories daily.


1 cup oatmeal (with 1 cup skim milk, and ¼ cup raisins)

1 cup melon

1 cup orange juice

1 cup (2 tablespoons fat-free milk)


Roast beef sandwich

½ Cup pasta salad with mixed vegetables ¼ Cup


1 cup of light iced tea


Fish (low fat)

1 cup rice

½ Cup broccoli

1 cup strawberries, ½ Cup low-fat frozen yogurt with


2 cups popcorn cooked with canola oil

1 cup canned peaches

Nutritional Values

The TLC Diet





21-25: 2,000

26-50: 1,800

51+: 1,600


21-40: 2,400

41-60: 2,200

61+: 2,000

Total Fat


About 20% -35%



Less than 10%



Total carbohydrates






43.5 g.


19-30: 28 g.

31-50: 25 g.

51+: 22 g.


19-30: 34 g.

31-50: 31 g.

51+: 28 g.





1,589 mg.

2,300 mg., under 1,500 mg. ‘s under: 51+


3,207 mg.

At least 4,700 mg.


1,510 mg.

19-50: 1,000 mg.

51+: 1,200 mg

Vitamin B-12

1.49 mcg.

2.4 mcg.

Vitamin D

6 mcg.

15 mcg.

*Recommendations for the age group 19 and above. g.: grams mg.: milligrams, mcg.: micrograms

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